

We prepared short list of questions and answers.


We hope that you will find all the answers here. If not, then contact us and we will help you.

  • What happens when my hard drive dies?

    All documents that are stored in OliveBox are safe. You just use another computer and you can continue to work.

  • Is it safe to manage my business online?

    Every time when you use OliveBox you use encrypted line (SSL). So everything is encrypted between our servers and your web client. Our servers are located in state of the art datacenters to which only qualifyed personels are allowed to enter and there is also 24/7 camera monitoring of entrances and server rooms.

  • Do I need credit card?

    No you don't need credit card to start using OliveBox. You can chose from free plan or you can use paid plan for frst two monts for free. Then if you decided to go with the paid plan then you will need credit card.

  • Where are stored my documents?

    Documents and data are stored in our servers in two separate locations. So there is no need to worry for the security of your document.

  • Can I get my own Fax number?

    Yes you can. Sent us e-mail or use our question box inside OliveBox application, write down for which country you need fax number and we will send you if it is possible to get fax number and what is the price for the number.

  • From which address will be sent documents if I send them by e-mail?

    They will be sent from your e-mail address in behalf of your name.

  • How fast internet connection do I need?

    For regular work with OliveBox you can use whatever connection you have. Better connection means that uploading and downloading attachements will be faster.

  • Which operating system do I need?

    OliveBox is not instaled on your desktop machine. You just need web browser and that's all.

  • Can I send text messages?

    Yes you can. You can do this with our marketing modul.

  • Can I export all my data from OliveBox?

    Yes you can.

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* no credit card required